
金髪・ロ リ・お嬢様。三拍子揃った完璧美少女をむちゃくちゃに犯してみたくないかい?いやいや、言わなくても分かる。やっと君の「誰にも言えない」夢が叶うんだ。
彼女の名前は「月城 未来」。身長157cm 、体重48kg。家族構成は、父、母、妹の4人。都内でも有数のお嬢様校に通い、主将として古豪の弓道部を率いる才女だ。美しく凛とした立ち振舞い、歩く姿を見ているだけで満たされる美少女、それが彼女に抱いた最初の印象だ。そんな彼女が今日ワタシのモノになる。そんなことは不可能だって?普通の方法では無理だろう。そんなことは分かっている。普通で無理なら…。そうせざるを得ない状況に追い込めばいいだけだ。これはワタシに巡ってきたチャンスなのだ。十分過ぎる程に準備はしてある。あの顔が…、髪が…、身体が…、汗が…、唾液が…、体毛が…、ワタシの自由になるなんて夢のようだよ…。そう思わないかい?…くっくっく。
Her name is "The Future of the Moon Castle." Height 157cm, weight 48kg. The family consisted of four fathers, a mother and a sister. It is a talented woman who goes to the leading young school in Tokyo, and leads the archery club of the old Australia as a captain. Beautiful and dignified standing, the beautiful girl is filled with just looking at the walking figure, it is the first impression that she held. She is my thing today. Is that impossible? It would be impossible in a normal way. I know that. If it's normal, it's impossible. You just have to go after the situation where you have to. This is a chance that came to me. I'm prepared enough to be too much. That face... the hair... the body... the sweat... the saliva... and the body hair... it's like a dream to be my freedom. Don't you think? ... It's a damn.
The author has a complete understanding of fetishism. I will support you from now on. It is a wonderful word with high quality high COSPA! I do not think that this price can be done easily by this only number of sheets. It is recommended for the person who wants to unplug now anyway! I thought that the monopoly greed against the blond beauty of the uncle is abnormal, and if a certain meaning vector is correct, it becomes pure love never before. The depiction of this obsession with a single human being is scary, but it has reached the point of respect. I purchased it like a blonde beauty, but it was fun and interesting to Nechikkoku the behavior of the uncle separately. While there are many commercial color works that earn the number of sheets in the same picture, it is good impression that one page is carefully made. The uncle who is a blonde twin tail with a different dimension of the liver is a must see. The accents of the picture, the local up was missing many times because it is very erotic. I was able to enjoy without getting tired because there are a lot of differences and the number of basic CG. It was also itching deployment that is a cute heroine neat and clean is shamed in the selfish to the terrible uncle. I want to give ☆ 6 because it has become quite erotic content and a lot of volume. The scene of pies in the library is a masterpiece. The semen was dripping. Just looking at this is worth the money. What a terrible thing to do to such a cute blond twin tail! But because I missed many times, I forgive! I'm expecting a good blond twin tail from now on!!
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