様々なロり漫画が集まるCOMIC LOでもひときわ異彩を放つ新鋭、響樹はじめの作品をまとめた待望の作品集です!華奢な腰つきに、細くのびた四肢。わずかに膨らみはじめた乳房を彩る控え目な乳首。言うまでもなく少女は美しくて、愛らしくて、眩しくて、いやらしい。そんな少女達への愛を抱えて、おさえきれずに手を触れてしまう炉リコン達。作者はそんなロ利コン達の罪を、ときに暖かく禊ぎ、ときに厳しく戒めます。「炉利紺」という罪(あるいは「病」)に真正面から向き合い、あがいて、もがいて、絞り出した珠玉の四篇。これが心のどこかに刺さったら、あなたの魂も炉利コンということです。
『Love Me, I Love You』
It is the long-awaited work collection that summarizes the work of the advanced, Hibiki of the beginning to be conspicuous even in COMIC LO various B ○ Comics gather! In a delicate waist, the limb which extended thinly. A modest nipple that colors the breast which began to bulge slightly. Needless to say, the girl is beautiful, lovable, dazzling, and obscene. With the love of such girls, I touch the hands without can.
The author don't touch the sin of such a o-con, when it is warmly, and when it strictly warns. Face from the front to the crime (or "sickness") "B ○ Con", and it struggles, and the four hen of the gem which squeezed out.
If this is stuck somewhere in your mind, your soul is also a B-con.
[Recording works]
Spring does not come in the shade of summer
* S * niece * Cheerleader * swimsuit * pies I touched an angel!
* C * Junior idol * Micro bikini * * r*pe
The Twilight of Goodbye
* S * teacher and Student * classroom * Pies
Love Me, I Love You * S * virgin * restraint * les ● Flop * pies
It is a story that the ra*e and the insult are also stocks. Personally I like to talk about one story. It is a story of the uncle and the uncle favorite niece of the helpless Ro con. At first, it is an uncle who peeps the girl in the neighborhood with binoculars, but it is good to read it in the story which becomes niece and the mutual love while piling up the act with the niece. "Don't you think of other little children? "Do you like me even if you become an adult someday?" Love can be felt in the words of niece-chan, etc. The other story is to be careful and there is something bad aftertaste or insult, but this one story can be recommended. Dew-ri It's great, dude. The drawing is also high quality. I'll wait for the next work. Good luck.
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